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New construction of a sewage sludge incineration plant for Münchner Stadtentwässerung

  • Client:

    Münchener Stadtentwässerung
  • Completion:

  • Location:

    Klärwerk Gut Großlappen, München
  • Task:

    New Installation


The Munich city drainage system (MSE) has been operating a sewage sludge incineration plant at the sewage sludge treatment plant in Gut Großlappen since 1997. The digested sludge is dewatered, dried and burned in a fluidized bed. MSE made various considerations to ensure the sewage sludge disposal from both its sewage treatment plants. In addition to a shortage of external disposal capacities, there is an increasing need for maintenance in the existing waste incineration plant, and the co-incineration of sewage sludge in the Munich waste-to-energy plant will be prohibited in the future. For these reasons, MSE plans to build a new incineration plant on an open construction site. The existing system is to be replaced. As part of the preliminary planning, variants with different number and dimensioning of lines were examined and a concept was selected. An essential selection criterion was the guaranteed disposal. The concept is redundant and comprises three dewatering and two drying lines prior to two incineration lines as well as an intermediate bunker for dewatered sludge and a water-steam cycle with electricity generation. At the end of 2019, the design planning for the new plant was completed and it is expected that the tendering procedure shall conclude in 2020. The plant is scheduled to go into operation in 2025.


The services are provided in a planning partnership with PFI Planning Association GbR (Hanover) and Engineering für Umwelttechnik GmbH (Horb). The members Fiedler Beck Ingenieure AG and Tiede- & Niemann Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH are involved, as are other subcontractors and the experts commissioned in the future.
  • Basic evaluation
  • Preliminary planning with a comprehensive concept comparison, including profitability
  • Draft and approval planning with a high level of detail
  • Tender design, probably with a general contractor
  • Follow-up phases in accordance with HOAI

Technical data

  • Total sewage sludge capacity:
    35,000 to 40,000 MgTR/a
  • Centrifuges
    Centrifuges (one of six installed units):
    70 m3/h
  • Disc dryer
    (one of four):
    2,36 MgTR/h
  • Furnace
    ((fluidized bed, one of two):
    4,75 MgTR/h
  • (one of two boilers):
    13,3 Mg/h
  • Live steam pressure / temperature:
    65 / 450 bar(a) / °C
  • Exhaust gas flow
    (one of two lines):
    31.600 Nm³/h
  • Net electrical output:
    900 kWel
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